What academic or / the first chapter of the Arab Islamic ...

Islam is in the Turkish people | World HOT angle - JICA

What academic or / the first chapter of the Arab Islamic ... Islam, which is in the Turkish people This time, like to introduce I'm feeling [Islam that is in the Turkish people]. When walking down the city of the city such as the capital city Ankara, forget that it is suddenly Turkey is a Muslim country. E? Women who are wearing a arp (scarf) is also small. Turkey since the founding of the year, is the principle of religion separated from the state (government) on the basis of the policy of separation of church and state. However, there is always at the center of people's minds Islam, have played a major role in the maintenance of social order. Turkey of people's lives, very regular on the basis of the teachings of Islam. Early in the morning, I wake up in the large acoustic times eyes of Ezan (a call. Days times from the mosque to inform the time of Islamic prayer). Currently, has worked in government organizations to help small and medium-sized enterprises, every week at noon on Friday, officials go to worship to a nearby mosque. Before going to worship is carefully cleanse the hands and feet with water.

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