What academic or / the first chapter of the Arab Islamic ...

Cross-cultural understanding to explore the Islamic temple ...

What academic or / the first chapter of the Arab Islamic ... Cross-cultural understanding to explore the Islamic temple Kobe Mosque It deepened the understanding of different cultures to explore the Islamic temple Kobe Mosque Our team, as part of the class and career seminars [cross-cultural psychological training], examined mosque (Mosque), we decided to explore actually the Islamic temple Kobe mosque in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. Islam despite being one of the world's three major religions, we have the opportunity to touch Islam was rarely until now. For this reason, the current planning is to know that we have of Islam, it was a good opportunity to come into contact with Islamic culture. So, on the basis of the various kinds of information obtained from the local explore before the preliminary survey and Islamic temple explore, Muslim overview and mosques, worship, I would like to summarize the report of each member for the Islamic marriage. About Islam Because Islam in the sense that [Kikoromo to God], it means that [Kikoromo] because [deep faith, in accordance with the teachings].

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