What academic or / the first chapter of the Arab Islamic ...

[Swords World] in the Middle East sword dance: Iran | sword dance ...

What academic or / the first chapter of the Arab Islamic ... Middle East of the sword dance: Iran Folk dance of Iran, each region, will vary slightly for each nation. The types of folk dances, and the sophisticated dance was danced at the court, there is a lively folk dance variety. Among them, dance to express the war fighter is intended to represent the state of the fight in the dance, it is a dance that was once adopted as combat training. Land which civilization flourished for a long time, Iran One of the world's leading oil-producing countries, the Islamic Republic of Iran (and later, Iran) is an Islamic republic. The Iranian plateau is home to mankind since ancient times, the Old Stone Age ruins of about 0 million years ago has been confirmed. The BC 000 BC, that the Elamite has built a dynasty in this earth can be found in such historical literature. And around BC 000 the end of the year, when the Aryan is the nomads to settle and move to the Iranian Plateau, ethnic assimilation to the Aryan of non-Aryan such as Elamite. And later Aryan dynasty was subjected to governance.

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