What academic or / the first chapter of the Arab Islamic ...

Middle East - Wikitravel - Wikitravel

What academic or / the first chapter of the Arab Islamic ... Middle East (Middle East) is a worldwide area of ​​west Asia and northeast Africa. This term, created by the military strategists of the century of the United Kingdom, so that the Middle East of the definition is changed. This is simply not a geographical term, it implies and to separate Europe ( "the West") from the Far East, the traditional trade routes that were selected in between these two extremes, but political. Country United Arab Emirates Yemen Israel Iraq Iran Egypt's Sinai Peninsula Oman Qatar Cyprus Kuwait Saudi Arabia Syria Asia side of Turkey Bahrain Occupied Palestinian Territory Jordan Lebanon Africa northeastern such as Egypt throughout and Libya, the Caucasus countries there (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) or Afghanistan, also include other surrounding areas. Turkey, Cyprus is sometimes considered to be Europe. Cyprus is on the fact of Land, Infrastructure and Turkey-based national and Greek system people are divided into two parts. Therefore in some cases, including as Northern Cyprus.

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